Our History
By the prompting and inspiration of the Holy Spirit, Bishop Tony Mensah and about thirty committed followers who were convinced that they were mandated from God to build a church, founded the “RENOWN GOSPEL CHURCH INTERNATIONAL” (Herein after referred to as “R.G.C.I.”) in August, 1990.
To establish biblical Christian churches in order to provide forms for fellowship among Christians of similar faith by establishing and operating local churches.

To bring Vision and Meaning to our generation
Renown Gospel Church is committed to the obedience of the Great Commission as set out by our Lord Jesus, Matthew 28:18-20. To promote evangelism at the local community level and in the world by proclaiming the Gospel of Jesus Christ (i.e. Salvation by redemption and forgiveness of the sins through the blood of our Lord Jesus Christ)
To pray for the government and nation according to the command in 1 Timothy 2:1-2
To provide, publish and distribute Christian literature including newspapers, books, magazines, leaflets, and any other forms of literature for the promotion of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
To establish and operate Educational Centers and Bible institutions for training Christian leaders.
Renown Gospel Church is committed to the obedience of the Great Commission as set out by our Lord Jesus, Matthew 28:18-20. To promote evangelism at the local community level and in the world by proclaiming the Gospel of Jesus Christ (i.e. Salvation by redemption and forgiveness of the sins through the blood of our Lord Jesus Christ)
To pray for the government and nation according to the command in 1 Timothy 2:1-2
To provide, publish and distribute Christian literature including newspapers, books, magazines, leaflets, and any other forms of literature for the promotion of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
To establish and operate Educational Centers and Bible institutions for training Christian leaders.
God’s Servant- Bishop Tony Mensah
A Servant of God, humble in Character and in Deeds!
Bishop Tony Mensah has committed almost 30 years of his life to Ministry. He is one of the finest Teachers of the Bible. He is a Pastor, an Entrepreneur, a Philanthropist, and a Conference Speaker passionate about training, ordaining, equipping and mentoring Pastors in the Lord’s Vineyard.
Bishop Tony Mensah is the Diocesan Prelate for Least of These (West Africa) He is an Executive Member of Ghana Gospel Ministers Fellowship. He is the Founder and General overseer of Renown Gospel Church I international. He is also the Founder and President of Empowerment Summit, a non-denominational strategic service that empowers men and women into fulfilling their destinies. He is also the Presiding Prelate for Time With the Father’s Network, providing mentorship and equipping young Pastors across the length and breadth of Ghana.
Bishop Tony Mensah has a strong Marketing background with a wealth of experience serving on various boards including National Amputee Football Association, Agratha Natural Health Centre and Bulley and Associates just to mention a few.
Statement of Faith
We believe in:
- The Scriptures, both Old and New Testament, as the only infallible and authoritative word of God and the only rule for Christian faith and conduct.
- The one true God eternally existent in three person, the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
- The Deity of the Lord Jesus Christ, His Virgin birth, His sinless life, His miracles, His vicarious and atoning death, His bodily resurrection, His ascension to the right hand of the Father, and His soon-coming to rapture the Church which is His Bride, and His future personal and bodily return to the earth in power and glory to rule for a thousand years.
- The redemptive work of Jesus Christ (His death, burial, resurrection, and ascension) as both efficient and sufficient for the provision of salvation to mankind.
- The baptism in the Holy Spirit, with the initial physical evidence of speaking in tongues (Act 2:4) for all believers who ask for it.
- The operation and manifestation of all the gifts of the Holy Spirit as made available to the Church today, for service, edification and comfort.
- Divine healing as provided for in the atonement of Christ and appropriate through the prayer of faith (1 Peter 2:24; James 5:14-16)
- The sanctifying power of the Holy Spirit by whose indwelling the believer is enabled to live a holy life.
- The resurrection of both the saved and the unsaved, the former to eternal life and the latter to eternal damnation